
Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS)

As the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) continues to integrate a myriad of fintech start-ups, facilitate the development of new digital banking channels, expand mobile money services and preserve the security of the system, more demands are being placed on its existing IT infrastructure.

To mitigate the rising cost of real estate required to accommodate its expanding infrastructure and range of services and the resulting impact on IT-related operating expenses, NIBBS required a colocation service. While maintaining core assets on-premises, NIBSS opted to externalize its alternate failover site to a third-party provider.

Our case studies are designed to highlight how MDXi our data center is able to meet the demands of businesses in West Africa through reliable and cost saving solutions to enable customers focus on core business while enjoying reliable high performing interconnections to Carriers, ISPs, Payment providers, financial institutions, Enterprises, Content and Cloud service providers.

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